Name and description | Type | Value |
[defaultViewedMonth] | TuiMonth | {year: 2025, month: 1} |
[disabledItemHandler] A handler that gets a date and returns true if it is disabled. Must be a pure function | TuiBooleanHandler<TuiDay> | ()=>!1 |
[items] | TuiDayRangePeriod[] | [] |
[markerHandler] | TuiMarkerHandler | null | |
[min] | TuiDay | null | {year: 0, month: 0, day: 1} |
[max] | TuiDay | null | {year: 9999, month: 11, day: 31} |
[minLength] | TuiDayLike | null | |
[maxLength] | TuiDayLike | null | |
(rangeChange) | TuiDayRange |