InputPhoneInternational EXPERIMENTAL

Examples API Setup
Source code
Name and descriptionTypeValue
[countries] Array of ISO-codes of countries to choose ReadonlyArray<TuiCountryIsoCode> null
[countrySearch] Enable filter input for countries boolean
[(countryIsoCode)] ISO-code of selected country boolean null
TextfieldOptionsApplied as a host directive
[tuiTextfieldCleaner] Shows a cross to reset a value boolean
[tuiTextfieldSize] Size TuiSizeS  |  TuiSizeL null
ControlApplied as a host directive
[readOnly] Readonly state boolean
[disabled] Disabled state (use formControl.disable()/.enable() for reactive forms) boolean
[invalid] Invalid state null  |  boolean null
DropdownApplied as a host directive
[tuiDropdownAlign] Align of dropdown (does not work together with limitWidth === 'fixed' ) tuiDropdownAlign null
[tuiDropdownDirection] Set a vertical direction of dropdown TuiVerticalDirection  |  null null
[tuiDropdownLimitWidth] Limit width of dropdown TuiDropdownWidth null
[tuiDropdownMinHeight] Minimum height to calculate that dropdown fits to set tuiDropdownDirection number
[tuiDropdownMaxHeight] Maximum height of dropdown number
[tuiDropdownOffset] Dropdown offset number
(tuiDropdownDirectionChange) Dropdown direction change TuiVerticalDirection