InputRange LEGACY

Examples API Setup
Can be expanded with TuiTextfieldController

Requires you to import TuiTextfieldControllerModule

Name and descriptionTypeValue
disabled Disabled state (use formControl.disable() ) boolean
[min] The lowest value in the range of permitted values null  |  number null
[max] The greatest value in the range of permitted values null  |  number null
[quantum] Minimum indivisible value number null
[steps] Number of actual discrete slider steps number
[segments] A number of visual segments (use 1 for no ticks) number
[keySteps] Anchor points of non-uniform format between value and position TuiKeySteps null
[leftValueContent] A template for custom view of the left selected value. PolymorpheusContent null
[rightValueContent] A template for custom view of the right selected value. PolymorpheusContent null
[pluralize] Plural forms for labels.

Use object that mimics the ICU format for Plural

Record<string, string> null
[readOnly] Component is read only boolean
Usage example:
[tuiNumberFormat]="{thousandSeparator, decimalSeparator, ..., rounding}"
[thousandSeparator] Symbol for separating thousands string
[decimalSeparator] Symbol for separating fraction string
number of digits after [decimalSeparator] is always equal to the precision.
pads trailing zeroes up to precision, if the number is fractional
drops trailing zeroes
TuiDecimalMode null
rounds to the nearest number with the specified [precision]
rounds down (the largest number with the specified [precision] less than or equal to a given number)
rounds up (the smallest number with the specified [precision] greater than or equal to a given number)
returns the number with the specified [precision] by just removing extra fractional digits
TuiRounding null
[tuiTextfieldLabelOutside] Label is outside a component and made with Label boolean
[tuiTextfieldSize] Size TuiSizeL null